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Lappia's KyberKeskus' business idea is not only to produce working life oriented staff to the economic life around the region but to also create and offer knowledge about new technology and help with the efficient and affordable usage of technology. KyberKeskus also offers help to private people or small/medium sized companies on everyday life technology problems.

KyberKeskus is not only an IT support service centre but also a training and testing laboratory on information security and computers and their softwares. In KyberKeskus we test, give support services and train interesting and useful software technology especially from the view of economic life that is non dependent on big software producers. Our goal is to give information about new software technologies that suit economic life and also offer professional software support. One of our divisions is the training and support, for example of production control systems, of businesses' business activities that support open source principle.

We like solving problems related to computer hardwares and their operating systems or even affordably achievable research of robots.

Rasberry Pi is a computer size of a credit card with a lot of capacity for its size.  It can be used as a small server, entertainment system for your home or a command center for certain hardware or robots. It is excellent in learning robotics and programming, since it is affordable and tangible.

We are offering small-scale computer hardware planning, fixing and maintenance services and problem solving. Challenges in broblem solving and learning as we work is what drives us forward.

KyberKeskus can be comissioned to do some hardware and software maintenance and support, such as

            • -Hardware assembly, maintenance and fixing

            • -installing an OS and software

            • -Troubleshooting

 We also have a possibility to offer designing as well as professional and training services to economic life. We can also offer diverse testing and installing services in our net environment that is isolated from the school's production environment. Special know-how can be found on server environment as well as workstation knowledge.

In spring 2016 Ilovakka webstore opened and in winter 2020 KyberKeskus webstore succeeded the previous webstore. It is implemented, developed and maintenanced by KyberKeskus.

Environment | Servers 
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