KyberKeskuksen tilat, ohjelmistot ja laitteet

Servers of KyberKeskus

Odoo • A picture with a caption

 The main server has various smaller servers installed using virtual technology needed in teaching or for Kyberkeskus to use.

The server room has for example: ERP for Kyberkeskus and its webstore, ticket and project systems, group assignment tools etc.

Kyberkeskus has seven physical servers with virtual serves installed in them. One can install required virtual servers and create independent test web for example, a third-party commission purposes. Test web is usually used for intranet, but it can be opened for outside use.

Tyypillisiä palveluita, joita KyberKeskuksen virtuaalipalvelimissa testataan tai ylläpidetään tällä hetkellä ovat:

  • dhcp-services

  • firewalls

  • reverse proxy

  • various cloud services (ryhmätyöskentely, tiedostojen jakaminen, virtuaaliluokka, videoneuvottelu, jaetut kalenterit, jne.)

  • ERP

    • Accounting,

    • Marketing and sales,

    • Human resources,

    • Assembly,

    • Stock,

    • web shop ,

  • ticket-system

  • NAS

  • Domain and identification services (AD, Samba, Ldap)

  • game servers (CounterStrike, MineCraft, etc.)


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